Spatial Solutions in Response to the Bonguisan Mountain Hill Village - The Bongu...
New Noe line’s building in Stra3ord Avenue, Colombo 05, was a rapid commercial d...
The vision for Green Solution House is to be a demonstratorium for circular sust...
The project focuses on the rearrangement of the kitchen and service area - and t...
“De Sibbe” – This project encompasses the phased construction of a shelter home ...
In the greenhouse, where sunlight and moisture converge, emerges a sacred space ...
The urban heat island effect occurs when pavements, roads, and buildings absorb ...
Piet Goddaer, also known as Ozark Henry, lives and works in the coastal region, ...
If you were to make a list of requirements for your design software, an ability ...
Double skin façades. Almost a self-explanatory name for façade systems consistin...
This communal sauna by Oslo Works is breaking new ground for cool cabins with a ...
The campus of the Budapest Business University is located in a residential and e...
Nowadays, the cycles of change around society and architecture have generated ne...
The Oude Seongsu 2nd Branch is a space where you can observe the nostalgic atmos...
A stable entirely made of cypress and cedar using Japanese traditional joinery. ...
The way children perceive space may be slightly different from how we adults per...