COBE Wins Competition to Design Danish Parliament in Co...

Cobe Architects has just unveiled its winning design for the future Danish Parli...

Reimagining The Mashrabiya: Functionality and Symbolism...

For centuries, arid environments have solved the problem of light, privacy, and ...

The Moravian Square Park Revitalization / Consequence f...

The park on the Moravian Square in Brno has become a new vibrant place, establis...

Xin'an Haibei Kindergarten Renovation / Diagonal Archit...

1. Children's Home. Haibei Kindergarten, less than 2 kilometers from Qianhai Bay...

Lasting Elegance: Zinc as a Sustainable Choice in Archi...

In nature, zinc is mainly found as zinc sulphide ore or zinc carbonate, which is...

Srasadesa Restaurant / LOCALIC STUDIO

In the culinary world, our restaurant, SRASADESA, goes beyond just taste to enco...

ML House / 007studio

The current house has been renovated, from the current condition and now is bein...

Grande House / Patio Livity

The Grande house, with its sprawling 56-meter façade, stood as a canvas for arch...

Looking Glass Lodge / Michael Kendrick Architects

Looking Glass Lodge by Michael Kendrick Architects is a unique woodland retreat ...

Conquista House / David Guerra Arquitetura e Interiores

The owner of a soy farm in the State of Paraná, Brazil, decided to build a brand...

Abeja Building / Martin Dulanto

The project is built on a 528.63m2 plot located in lot 08 of Block P located in ...

Integrative Family Center of the German Child Protectio...

A dilapidated factory building of a former chocolate manufacturer was renovated ...

Hortensia Herrero Art Center / ERRE arquitectura

The Hortensia Herrero Art Centre is located in the former Valeriola Palace in th...

Designing for Happiness: Exploring the Connection betwe...

While not entirely dependent on one another, the relationship between architectu...


The site of the project, situated on the slopes of "Zarin Kooh," is adjacent to ...

R+J House / DP+HS Architects

Situated on the far end corner of the gated community housing area in Jakarta, t...