MAM Competence Center / INNOCAD

Since MAM is similar to a growing organism, its new competence center resembles one as well, with the intention of developing over the years and responding to increasing spatial needs. The building´s concept answers this complex scope of consistent growth through the principle of cellular division, by intersecting circles with green atria as "nuclei" that originate in inspiring, serpentine space patterns while being sustainable. Proceeding from the first stage of construction, which consists of three circular interlocked volumes, new parts with similar programmatic information are separated again and again into a total of five cylinders, while remaining connected to their predecessor. The result is an organic, growing building in which the respective building sections flow seamlessly into each other. Although the future additions will make the building grow it will not essentially alter its appearance, yet each division functions on its own but benefits and feeds off the others.

MAM Competence Center / INNOCAD
© Paul Ott © Paul Ott
  • architects: INNOCAD
  • Location: Großhöflein, Austria
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Paul Ott
  • Area: 4500.0 m2

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