In the heart of the bustling old city, amidst the vibrant chaos of typical India...
Moscone Center is an expansive collection of light-filled spaces that accommodat...
Palma Studios, situated in the Palma neighbourhood of Lisbon, Portugal, is a sus...
This project consists of three small lakeside buildings for the canoe and tour s...
Located in the village of Bagergue at an altitude of over fifteen hundred meters...
Many ancient Egyptian, Greek and Islamic religious buildings share a common feat...
La Marina del Prat Vermell is an old area of textile colonies that were establis...
Marble held profound significance in Greek and Roman architecture due to its abu...
Powerhouse Company, together with Studio Donna van Milligen Bielke & Ard de Vrie...
The Jingyang Camphor Court creates a tranquil courtyard in the heart of Jingdezh...
The recently released “Abijo Mosque Documentary” explores the journey of designi...
Safdie Architects has officially opened the new campus headquarters for Surbana ...
Long celebrated as havens of relaxation and luxury, resorts offer guests an esca...
This article was originally published on Common Edge.
As a singular and emotionally charged location, the National Holocaust Museum pr...
The project is composed of a series of detached rooms (of about 6 Tatami mats) c...