Riverside Art Studio: A Sustainable Hub Redefining Urban Interaction in Seville
The Sustainable Hub in Seville emerged as an innovative concept through an open idea passive Sustainable Design Competition, launched in October 2023 with submissions received by February 2024. Spearheaded by Dar[e]-Europe, a renowned research firm based in Seville, Spain, the competition aimed to foster sustainable design solutions while promoting comfort for users with minimal reliance on non-renewable energy sources and environmental impact.

![Riverside Art Studio by Patrizio Maria Puppo & Martina Di Marco (Winner). Image Courtesy of Dar[e]-Europe Riverside Art Studio by Patrizio Maria Puppo & Martina Di Marco (Winner). Image Courtesy of Dar[e]-Europe](https://images.adsttc.com/media/images/65e8/67b3/855b/f266/2086/c31d/medium_jpg/riverside-art-studio-a-sustainable-hub-redefining-urban-interaction-in-seville_5.jpg?1709730376)
The Sustainable Hub in Seville emerged as an innovative concept through an open idea passive Sustainable Design Competition, launched in October 2023 with submissions received by February 2024. Spearheaded by Dar[e]-Europe, a renowned research firm based in Seville, Spain, the competition aimed to foster sustainable design solutions while promoting comfort for users with minimal reliance on non-renewable energy sources and environmental impact.
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